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5142 Pawnee Rd
Toledo, OH 43613, US

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About us

            We started this business because my wife and I have always been creative in different ways. She was an art major with a focus on photography, and a business she has operated for the last 9 years. Whitney has always been a bit of a creative free spirit and has shown it in her art. While I have always been into working with wood and my hands, beginning with building tree forts as a child, leading into woodshop classes. Eventually I was doing commercial construction followed by commercial and residential maintenance.
            Fast forward to today, we found ourselves competing to pursue our paths in different directions, until we came across a way for us to work together to complement each other's strengths and passions and build something we can leave behind for our family to carry on in the future.  
             We hope to be a positive force in our community providing valuable services that help to increase the successes of our neighboring businesses. But business aren't the only direction we are looking.  We want to enrich the lives of every individual customer, by helping them to express themselves and turn their houses into homes and ideas into reality.

Perfectly Engraved Novel Inovative Solutions llc